Our Resident Family of Dogs and Cats

Those who have visited us one or more times often ask about our beloved family of dogs (no cats at the moment) Here is a picture of our beautiful cat who is very camera shy.

MeinKat is a Siamese, the first we have had and we really enjoy him. RIP MeinKat 2013

Pictures of the dogs coming soon. Tol B., our elderly Collie died in July 1997. We have a big brown and black hound dog named Jefferson. He is sweet and friendly, but he sleeps best replica watches in our lane. Please watch out for him! We love him. (Jefferson has since died. RIP, Jefferson). Brownie is BIG but short-legged and very friendly. She is approximately 11 years old and still going strong. Lady Margaret is a large white lab. We lost our beloved Valiant in May of 2007. Our newest dog is Midnight, a black-mouth cur and/or Plot Hound who is just over a year old.

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